Cremovo 750 ml
Cremovo Ciemme is naturally produced with the finest Marsala DOC wine, sugar and egg yolk infusion. Can be served as it is or as an ingredient for creams and cakes, like Tiramisù.
Cremovo wine 1 L.
Cremovo Ciemme is naturally produced with the finest Marsala DOC wine, sugar and egg yolk infusion. Can be served as it is or as an ingredient for creams and cakes, like Tiramisù.
Cremovo 2 L.
Cremovo Ciemme is naturally produced with the finest Marsala DOC wine, sugar and egg yolk infusion. Can be served as it is or as an ingredient for creams and cakes, like Tiramisù.
Marsala 750 ml
Marsala fine Ambra semisecco, fine DOC wine with a rich bouquet, silky and armonious, has a warm color and is ideal for all time.
Marsala 2 L.
Marsala fine Ambra semisecco, fine DOC wine with a rich bouquet, silky and armonious, has a warm color and is ideal for all time.