Punch Mandarino 700 ml
A pleasent typical liqueur for cold winter time, its flavour has an harmonious fragrance coming out when heated, infact it is used with hot water or steammed water, added with lemon peel.
Punch Rhum 700 ml
A pleasent typical liqueur for cold winter time, its flavour has an harmonious fragrance coming out when heated, infact it is used with hot water or steammed water, added with lemon peel.
Punch Arancio 700 ml
A pleasent typical liqueur for cold winter time, its flavour has an harmonious fragrance coming out when heated, infact it is used with hot water or steammed water, added with lemon peel.
Amaretto 25° 700 ml
Sweet almond flavoured liqueur. Its distinctive bouquet expresses almonds, cocoa and many other flavours. A rich Italian liqueur that serves a variety of culinary uses: it can be enjoyed straight, on the rocks and even poured over ice cream or added to other beverages to create most popular cocktails.
Typical Italian liqueur, prepared mixing different species such as cloves and cinnamon, with particular citrusy notes and other natural flavours. It is used during the preparation of cookies and cakes for its special flavours and typical red colour.
Maraschino impagliato 30° 700 ml
Traditional Italian liqueur with a smooth and sweet flavour. Obtained from the distillation of morello cherries from our area that give a particular flavour to this product. It can be used making cakes, on ice-cream and it is special on fruit salad.
Sambuca 40° 700 ml
It is a famous sweet liqueur obtained using essences from hidroalcoholic maceration of different anises and many different aromatic herbs which complete and enrich the taste. Can be served as it is, on the rocks and it is special with coffee.
La Nera – Liquore alla liquirizia 700 ml
Natural liqueur obtained using the extract of sweet roots of licorice. Licorice, the main ingredient of this liqueur, is specially suggested as after dinner. Serve chilled.
La Nera – Liquore alla liquirizia 500 ml
Natural liqueur obtained using the extract of sweet roots of licorice. Licorice, the main ingredient of this liqueur, is specially suggested as after dinner. Serve chilled.
Limoncello della tradizione 34° 700 ml
From the Italian tradition, a natural scented liqueur with a decided temper, it is obtained with an infusion of lemon peels in pure alcohol. Should be served chilled, specially after meals. Could be used also as a base for a special Sorbetto. Keep in freezer.
Limoncello della Tradizione 34° 1 L.
From the Italian tradition, a natural scented liqueur with a decided temper, it is obtained with an infusion of lemon peels in pure alcohol. Should be served chilled, specially after meals. Could be used also as a base for a special Sorbetto. Keep in freezer.
Limoncello della Tradizione 25° 500 ml
From the Italian tradition, a natural scented liqueur with a decided temper, it is obtained with an infusion of lemon peels in pure alcohol. Should be served chilled, specially after meals. Could be used also as a base for a special Sorbetto. Keep in freezer.
Liquore di Prugna 1,5 L.
Delicious specialty, the Prugna Ciemme is our historical product, it characterize us everywhere . Obtained with the best Plum juices, a magical harmony of fruity and almond flavours make its well known bouquet. Appreciated as all day Liqueur, perfect after dinner but also served with coffee.
Liquore di Prugna 1 L.
Delicious specialty, the Prugna Ciemme is our historical product, it characterize us everywhere . Obtained with the best Plum juices, a magical harmony of fruity and almond flavours make its well known bouquet. Appreciated as all day Liqueur, perfect after dinner but also served with coffee.
Liquore di Prugna 700 ml
Delicious specialty, the Prugna Ciemme is our historical product, it characterize us everywhere . Obtained with the best Plum juices, a magical harmony of fruity and almond flavours make its well known bouquet. Appreciated as all day Liqueur, perfect after dinner but also served with coffee.
Typical Italian bitter liqueur based on ” China Calissaia ” skin a particular china plant, and other herbs. Can be drunk, either natural or with ice, but also hot with a lemon skin.
Pelinkovac 1 L.
From our old tradition, Pelinkovac is a Bitter Liqueur with an ancient taste, based on ” Pelin ” the Artemisia Absinthium, a plant with special bitter virtues, specially after dinner. Perfect with ice and lemon peel.
Punch Rhum 1 L.
A pleasent typical liqueur for cold winter time, its flavour has an harmonious fragrance coming out when heated, infact it is used with hot water or steammed water, added with lemon peel.
Limoncello della Tradizione 1,5 L.
From the Italian tradition, a natural scented liqueur with a decided temper, it is obtained with an infusion of lemon peels in pure alcohol. Should be served chilled, specially after meals. Could be used also as a base for a special Sorbetto. Keep in freezer.
Limoncello Ristorazione 28° 2 L.
From the Italian tradition, a natural scented liqueur with a decided temper, it is obtained with an infusion of lemon peels in pure alcohol. Should be served chilled, specially after meals. Could be used also as a base for a special Sorbetto. Keep in freezer.